Thursday 31st October: Times: 10am Pacific time (Seattle); 11am Mountain time (Boulder), 1pm Eastern (New York), 5pm London, 7pm South Africa (Cape Town).
This month’s theme is ‘Find your medicine, reconnect with your Personal Power’.
Everyone has medicine to share with the world. How can we learn to discover our talents in a humble way and then share it with the world? We will discuss this bringing in dreams, ancestors & destiny...
This theme was inspired by this years SSP (Society for Shamanic Practice) conference, here in Santa Fe. It was entitled ‘Find your Medicine, Be your Medicine’. I gave a 2 hour presentation around this. I will share some of this with you.
The webinars are fluid, depending on who is participating the second half might be spent working with dreams. (Dreams will not be recorded).
Each Webinar starts with a guided meditation, some chanting and an invocation in isiXhosa to lift the energy.
John will give a 20 min talk to introduce this month’s theme. People can then ask questions. If there is time we will carry on with our ‘Dream circle’ where people will have an opportunity to share their dreams with the group. A recording will be sent to each participant, minus the ‘dream sharing’ to maintain confidentiality.
Once people have registered below they will be sent a zoom link a few days before the webinar.
P.S. These webinars are part of a subscription package of $25 per month. Participants can unsubscribe at any time. Once people have subscribed they will be sent a zoom link. The webinars will be recorded and links will be emailed to participants, so if they can’t make the live webinar they can still receive the teachings.
Harness the Power of Nature and anything is possible …