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PaGE2012 in Belgium
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
John will be giving a workshop in Belgium at the Pagan Gathering Europe (PaGE) which only happens every 4 years.
In Events Tags African Spirituality, Ancestors, Belgium, Blessing Ceremony, cross cultural, John Lockley, Nelson Mandela, Pagan Gathering Europe, Pagans, PaGE2012, South African Traditional Medicine, Xhosa Sangoma
Credo Mutwa Appeal
John Lockley writes about the current Wars plaguing humanity in Gaza and Ukraine, and he speaks about the importance of cultivating mutual respect and empathy.
Credo Mutwa
Credo Mutwa is one of the world's leading authorities on african spirituality. He is an icon of world mythology and african traditional knowledge. His book 'Indaba my children' won widespread acclaim both locally and internationally. It highlighted the rich tapestry of African spirituality.
Last year I had the good fortune of spending some time with him and his wife, Virginia. I was deeply saddened to hear how much they are struggling financially. Virginia is also in the process of building a hospice for AIDS sufferers.
The world owes a debt to Credo Mutwa and all the sacrifices he has made to spread African spirituality around the world. Through his wonderful gift of storytelling he demonstrates the common links between all people.
As the world is a global village, we have a responsibility to making sure medicine elders like Credo Mutwa and his wife Virginia live out their golden years with dignity.
I encourage all people to make a donation to this worthy cause:
Bank Account Name: Virginia Mutwa
Bank: Standard Bank, Kuruman, South Africa
Account Number: 236059556
Many thanks,
John Lockley
Xhosa Sangoma
In Blogging Tags African Spirituality, Aids Hospice, Credo Mutwa, Indaba my children, John Lockley, Virginia Mutwa, zulua sangoma