Fireside Chat in Vermont
Here are some thoughts about the fire (and thanks for sharing about the coyotes!) What most impresses me about the messages John Lockley brings is the simplicity of them. He began with having us listen to our own hearts. Feeling them beat inside of us. Everything else came from that point. I have gotten instruction before in meditation that focuses primarily on the breath, and struggled to feel connection. Somehow focusing on the heartbeat was a very different experience. To feel the drumming inside of me, and feel the connection to the Earth through this rhythm, while remembering and honoring ancestors, placed me firmly in my body--balanced and stable and able to move from a place of calm. I felt a new understanding of meditation.
The knowledge he shares is ancient and timeless, and yet he communicates it in such a way that we in these confusing and hyper-fast times can comprehend them.
His personal stories help to illustrate essential truths of spiritual practice and seeking help from Divine, from Source.
John is very down to earth and sometimes uses a Puckish sense of humor to make ideas clear. Yet always there is an unwavering authenticity that he shows and invites us back to again and again. He brings us back to ourselves and our own work, all the while encouraging us to drop our false faces, our patterns of old habits that may not serve us, and connecting us to our ancestors and spirit guides.
Vermont, USA
In Testimonials